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Millions of people apply for a master’s degree program in the hopes of getting advanced education to improve their careers. In some career fields, a master’s degree is required for certain positions. In others, it’s good to have but not essential.
If you’re looking for a graduate degree that could help you on your way to establishing yourself as a leader in a compelling field, have you looked into the Master of Public Administration (MPA)? While it might not be as common as its private sector counterpart, the Master of Business Administration (MBA), it can help you build comparable skills for leadership in nonprofit organizations, the government as well as many for-profit businesses.
It used to be that computer programmers learned how to design a robust user experience on the fly, sometimes with minimum computer science training. Those days are long gone. Roles for self-taught Renaissance experts have largely given way to a number of specialized careers in programming and web design. One such career is the lucrative, in-demand field of user experience (UX) design.
A recent scan of Geographic Information System (GIS) news stories highlights its critical role in conservation efforts, tropical cyclone risk assessment; citywide collaboration, planning and response; electrical utility infrastructure resilience and U.S. Department of Transportation planning and operation.1,2,3,4,5 These are just a few examples of the far-reaching influence GIS and Geographic Information Science (GISc), the science behind this technology, has in our lives. The global market for GIS was $8.1 billion in 2020 and has a projected growth of $14.5 billion by 2025.6 There’s no better time to get involved in this red-hot field by arming yourself with the education and credentials necessary to compete for the most lucrative, in-demand and rewarding jobs.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that healthcare positions will grow by 4.6 million by the year 2029 and that six out of the 10 fastest-growing occupations will be related to healthcare.1 Given recent global health events, it stands to reason that jobs in public health would be growing as well.
The term “geographic information science” (GISc) might be unfamiliar or seem a little obscure, but it’s actually a rapidly growing profession with careers in high demand. The world is increasingly reliant on GISc graduates with skills in geographic information systems in a wide variety of industries. From software development and law enforcement to climate scientists and urban planners, GISc is an important field of study.
Penal labor in the U.S. is explicitly allowed by the 13th Amendment of our Constitution. The amendment outlaws slavery or involuntary servitude in the U.S., except when serving as punishment for a crime where the person has been “duly convicted”. In the most generous light, you could see this as a way to provide training and work to inmates, but in reality, it’s often used in the U.S. to close budget gaps with cheap labor and to offset the cost of running a prison.
Business management technology includes highlights of business areas including communication, management, accounting, marketing, e-commerce, economics, and liberal arts.
GIS World Map
What is a Geographic Information Sciences Master’s Degree?
Even if you’re thinking about enrolling in a GIS program and pursuing a GIS master’s degree, you may not realize how prevalent Geographic Information Science (GIScience) is in our world. It is the science behind the devices that are woven into our daily lives. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are everywhere, from the mapping applications on our phones to systems that monitor our health, manage communications networks, plan disaster response and study environmental sustainability.1
Radiologic technologists are trained in the use of different types of medical diagnostic equipment. They may choose to specialize, such as in x-ray, mammography, or computed tomography (CT) imaging.
If recent newspaper headlines are to be believed, many people are wondering if the U.S. government is getting too large. While it’s true that over 15% of the workforce is involved in the military, public and national service, the size of the U.S. government proportionate to the total population has actually shrunk in the last 50 years. Beyond that, we’re facing an aging government workforce, of which one third will be eligible to retire by 2025.1
According to The Balance Small Business, a website providing guidance on entrepreneurship and management, economies of countries including the United States are divided between public and private sectors (or sections), for the purpose of considering economic activity and the contribution of each sector to the gross domestic product. The basic distinction between the two sectors? “Businesses that make a profit commonly represent the private sector, while government agencies tend to represent the public sector.”
COVID-19 has disrupted every facet of life, especially the working lives of countless people across the globe. National and statewide lockdowns have caused mass shutdowns, layoffs and furloughs. There have been upheavals in work schedules, changes in work locations and often simultaneous struggles to meet children’s educational needs at home. Dealing with this strange new reality has been challenging, to say the least. Across the public and private sectors, organizations have scrambled to navigate chaotic work environments. Stepping out of back offices and into center spotlights, the leaders of human resources management are transforming HR, rising to meet the new and pressing needs of today’s disrupted workforces.
Before you commit to an advanced degree such as a master’s of public administration, it’s important to consider whether it will be worth the investment of your time and money. For some people, an MPA program can be a life-changing experience that prepares them for professional success and greater personal fulfillment. For others, an MPA may not be the right choice.
As noted elsewhere on this site, “Broadly speaking, the public sector refers to any part of a state or national economy that is tied to public programs or services and is controlled by the government.” You may find public sector employment opportunities in the military, law enforcement, organizations managing infrastructure (public roads, bridges, tunnels, water supply, sewers, electrical grids, telecommunications, and so on), departments of public transit or public education, and in healthcare and the government itself.
Environmental education connects us with the world. It enhances the community you live in. It empowers you and those around you. Kent State University strives to enhance the quality of life in your region, your state, and your community.1
The world of tech can seem daunting. What jobs are there? And what’s the right job for me? Consider a degree in information technology (IT).
Now, more than ever, the U.S. justice system needs skilled law enforcement officers to assist in protecting the innocent, keeping the peace and achieving the ends of justice. From lawyers and secret agents to forensic analysts and probation officers, there are many high-paying jobs within law enforcement. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median criminal justice degree salary in 2019 was around $81,820.1
You’re tech-savvy and fascinated by geography, but is there a career in that? Consider this, from the geographic information system company Esri:
Whether you thrive in the sunshine or the snow, near water or mountains, in big cities or under big sky, we have good news for you: there are geographic information science jobs all over the country.
Many companies hire MPA graduates knowing that the skills they’ve acquired are as valuable in the for-profit sector as they are in the government and not-for-profit worlds. Among the many companies likely to hire MPA graduates, these 10 stand out.
Responsive Web Design (RWD) is the approach that suggests that website design and development should enable each site to respond automatically to a user’s behavior and environment—that is, whether that person is using a laptop, iPad, Android phone or other device, viewing in portrait or landscape mode, and so on.1 In the case of public displays, recent work also considers the viewer’s distance from the screen within the context of RWD.2
User Experience (UX) designers are highly sought after in a wide array of industries, from computer and software companies such as Apple, Microsoft and Adobe to popular websites such as LinkedIn, Google and Amazon. You can enjoy a highly paid career with an investment company, major retailer or entertainment firm.
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