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Customize your education with the online Bachelor’s Degree in Integrative Studies at Kent State University. This degree allows students to design a curriculum tailored to their interests and career goals. With a flexible program structure that lets them combine courses from various disciplines and lines, students gain a broad range of knowledge and skills that are highly valued in today’s job market.
In today’s digital age, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have become an indispensable tool across various industries, from urban planning and homeland security to environmental management and beyond.
Kent State University’s Online Master’s in Public Administration has moved up in the U.S. News rankings! The program is currently ranked 135 (out of 270) in the U.S. News 2024 Best Public Affairs Programs. The program is also tied for 4th place in Ohio and second place in Northeast Ohio.
Watch Dr. Daniel Hawes speak to Sage Publications about a paper he presented at the American Political Science Association conference in Montreal 2022. The paper also won the Herbert Kaufman Best Paper award from the Public Administration Section in 2023.
Careers in GIS are in demand more than ever. Equipped with data visualization and spatial analysis skills, GIS professionals qualify for occupations in countless fields.1
A Master of Public Administration career, and others in the nonprofit sector, present incredible opportunities to identify specific needs in a community and find ways to solve them.
Even if you’re considering enrolling in a GIS program and pursuing a GIS master’s degree, you may not realize how prevalent Geographic Information Science (GISc) is in our world.
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