Watch Dr. Daniel Hawes, Program Coordinator of Kent State Online’s Master’s in Public Administration, talk about the Effect of Immigration Enforcement on Student Performance

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Watch Dr. Daniel Hawes speak to Sage Publications about a paper he presented at the American Political Science Association conference in Montreal 2022. The paper also won the Herbert Kaufman Best Paper award from the Public Administration Section in 2023.

Caught in the Crossfire: Immigration Enforcement and Student Performance

Dr. Hawes discusses the effect of immigration enforcement on student performance, including immigrant-serving organizations and negative impacts on undocumented immigrant students.

The paper, titled Caught in the Crossfire: Immigration Enforcement and Student Performance, examines the role that local immigration enforcement efforts play in the long-term academic performance of undocumented students in Texas.

From the paper’s abstract:

We posit that undocumented students living in communities with enhanced immigration enforcement policies will perform less well on standardized exams compared to their non-immigrant counterparts due to the external stress, threat and instability created but such environments. We also hypothesize that community and institutional supports can moderate these negative effects. Using a unique longitudinal, multi-level dataset, the analysis tracks student-level performance of undocumented and citizen students in Texas public schools from 2003-2018. These data are merged with county- and city-level data that measure the political and social context as well as the intensity of immigration enforcement at the county level. We also examine how the presence of institutional supports, representation and immigrant-serving nonprofits in the community can moderate the negative effects of anti-immigrant environmental contexts.

Meet Dr. Daniel Hawes

Daniel Hawes Headshot

Dr. Daniel Hawes is the Program Coordinator of Kent State Online’s Master’s in Public Administration Degree and Professor of Political Science at Kent State University.

Daniel Hawes’ research interests deal with questions related to public policy and public administration, broadly, and substantively focus on education and immigration policy. His research incorporates aspects of public administration, public management, and state and local politics in examining questions of public policy and policy performance. A central theme in his research is a focus on the determinants of public policy outcomes, particularly for disadvantaged groups. A fundamental question that his work has sought to address is: How can government – via policy, structure, bureaucracy or management – better address the inequities we observe in policy outcomes for disadvantaged groups? In doing so, his work has explicitly examined the role of public management, organizational structure, political representation, and organizational and external environments on shaping policy outcomes. He has approached this broad question through different theoretical lens – e.g., social capital, representative bureaucracy, public management – and in different substantive contexts – e.g. K-12 education, higher education, immigration policy.

Dr. Hawes’ publications have appeared in a political science and public policy/administration journals including, Public Administration Review, J-PART, American Review of Public Administration, Administration & Society, Political Research Quarterly, State Politics and Policy Quarterly, Social Science Quarterly, and State and Local Government Review.

View his recent publications.

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