What is the difference between a Doctor of Education in Interprofessional Leadership (Ed.D.) with a specialization in Athletic Training and a Doctor of Athletic Training (DAT)?

athletic trainers walking through Kent athletic facility

Kent State University offers the only Doctor of Education specializing in Athletic Training in the country!

Are you interested in exploring an advanced degree in Athletic Training? Read on to see why Kent State University could be a choice for you.

What is the Difference Between a Doctor of Education and a Doctor of Athletic Training?

The difference between a Doctor of Education in interprofessional leadership with an athletic training concentration and a Doctor of Athletic Training (DAT) lies in the emphasis of the doctoral degree. For example, a Doctor of Education is a terminal academic degree, while a Doctor of Athletic Training is clinically based.

Doctor of Athletic Training programs is designed for practicing clinicians1 and look to provide advanced knowledge to improve their practice. A Doctor of Education, on the other hand, is an advanced degree with a dissertation process that looks to mold research professionals into roles within academia and research. Kent State University’s Doctor of Education program provides a rigorous educational pathway on curriculum and instruction, administration, and assessment within athletic training programs.

Clinical doctorates should not be confused with post-professional doctorates as they are not intended to emphasize research or teaching.2 This degree program will provide the student with an opportunity to gain extensive knowledge in higher education while developing critical skills necessary to establish a strong foundation in athletic training and educational leadership. Most notably, the rigor of Kent State University’s program, in comparison to a Doctor of Athletic Training program, highlights the advanced knowledge and underpinnings of equity, ethics, and social justice to provide collaborative opportunities to analyze problems of professional practice.

See what Kent State University’s Doctor of Education program provides in the illustration below.

scale with program highlights with Doctor of Athletic Training on the left and Doctor of Education in Interprofessional Leadership (Athletic Training Concentration) on the right

*This scale shows what Kent State University offers in its Doctor of Education (athletic training concentration) program versus other institutions.

What is Interprofessional Leadership at Kent State University?

The 100% online Doctor of Education degree in Interprofessional Leadership at Kent State University allows studying leadership from an interprofessional perspective around equity, ethics, and social justice to solve complex practice problems.

The program prepares leaders who can construct and apply knowledge to make a positive difference in the lives of individuals, families, organizations, and communities. Field-based opportunities are provided to analyze practice problems and use multiple frames to develop meaningful solutions.

Watch the video below to learn more.

Kent State University’s Online Doctor of Education in Interprofessional Leadership

The online Doctor of Education degree in Interprofessional Leadership promotes the study of leadership from an interprofessional perspective. Our approach is framed around questions of equity, ethics, and social justice and focuses on developing solutions to complex practice problems. The program prepares leaders who can construct and apply knowledge to make a positive difference in the lives of individuals, families, organizations, and communities.

The Ed.D. degree in Interprofessional Leadership is cohort-based, starting in the summer term, with students taking three to five years to complete the degree. Students apply to a concentration for specialized study. Examples of cognates include special education, educational technology, curriculum and instruction, athletic training education, and cultural foundations of education.

Athletic Training Concentration
This cognate area provides graduate students the opportunity to prepare for the rigors of academic positions in a college or university by blending discipline-specific theory and practice strategies related to athletic training education. This degree program will provide the student with an opportunity to gain extensive knowledge in higher education while developing the critical skills necessary to establish a strong foundation in athletic training and educational leadership. A comprehensive project related to athletic training education will allow the student to address a contemporary issue in the profession through purposeful research strategies to generate educational change within the discipline.

For more information on Kent State’s online Doctor of Education in Interprofessional Leadership degree, visit https://onlinedegrees.kent.edu/degrees/doctor-of-education-interprofessional-leadership.

100% Online Degrees through the College of Education, Health, and Human Services

Kent State University’s College of Education, Health, and Human Services (EHHS) offers a portfolio of 100% online graduate degrees. With the working professional in mind, the college is dedicated to providing quality education on an online platform.

Degrees include:

Learn more about all of the 100% online EHHS degrees.

1 Retrieved on October 19, 2022, from https://ateachmoment.com/athletic-trainer/doctor-athletic-training

2 Smith T. A Contextual and Logical Analysis of the Clinical Doctorate for Health Practitioners: Dilemma, Delusion, or Defact? International Academy of Orthopedic Medicine. J. Allied Health. 2007; 36:101-106

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