geographic information science

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In today’s digital age, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have become an indispensable tool across various industries, from urban planning and homeland security to environmental management and beyond.
Careers in GIS are in demand more than ever. Equipped with data visualization and spatial analysis skills, GIS professionals qualify for occupations in countless fields.1
Even if you’re considering enrolling in a GIS program and pursuing a GIS master’s degree, you may not realize how prevalent Geographic Information Science (GISc) is in our world.
The American Geophysical Union (AGU) recently appointed Scott Sheridan, Ph.D., professor and chair of the Department of Geography and professor in the online Geographic Information Science (GISc) programs, to its inaugural cohort for the Leadership Academy and Network for Diversity and Inclusion in the Geosciences (AGU LANDInG). AGU LANDInG’s Academy is a 2-year commitment supporting its participating Fellows to move from people, culture, and belonging advocacy to DEI leadership through concrete efforts with a focus on evidence-based resources and practices.
He Yin, Ph.D., assistant professor in Kent State University’s Department of Geography in the College of Arts and Sciences, recently received NASA’s New (Early Career) Investigator Award in Earth Science. The award will provide funding for Yin’s research on the effects of the Syrian civil war on croplands throughout the eastern Mediterranean region.
Geographical information science (GISc) is a fascinating and diverse discipline, expanding rapidly into nearly every industry across the globe. Geospatial technologies support fields as widely varied as agriculture, climatology, disaster management, energy production, infrastructure, healthcare, law enforcement, logistics, marine sciences, national defense and real estate. If you’re detail-oriented and enjoy working with statistics, mathematics and powerful computer technologies, earning an online certificate in GISc will significantly boost your career opportunities as a GIS professional.
A recent scan of Geographic Information System (GIS) news stories highlights its critical role in conservation efforts, tropical cyclone risk assessment; citywide collaboration, planning and response; electrical utility infrastructure resilience and U.S. Department of Transportation planning and operation.1,2,3,4,5 These are just a few examples of the far-reaching influence GIS and Geographic Information Science (GISc), the science behind this technology, has in our lives. The global market for GIS was $8.1 billion in 2020 and has a projected growth of $14.5 billion by 2025.6 There’s no better time to get involved in this red-hot field by arming yourself with the education and credentials necessary to compete for the most lucrative, in-demand and rewarding jobs.
Acronyms can be confusing, especially when two abbreviations relate to the same field. An example is geographic information systems (GIS) and geographic information science (GISc). Although both acronyms are rooted in the science of geography, the roles of GIS and GISc differ.
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