Top Three Reasons to Choose a Degree in Nursing

four nurses stand with arms crossed and smiling

Professional nurses are in great demand!

A career in nursing can consist of many components, including emotional support, leadership, physical strength, mental agility, and working in a fast-paced, ever-changing environment. Nursing is one of the fastest-growing careers in one of the highest-paying fields.

Did you know?

  • $71,730 is the median yearly pay for RNs
  • 94% of students with a bachelor’s degree in nursing find a job 4 to 6 months after graduating
  • Only 9.1% of registered nurses are men

Top Three Reasons to Choose Nursing1:

1) Fast Growth & Job Security

Due to the retiring baby boomer generation, there is currently a shortage of qualified nurses in the United States. The U.S. Department of Labor projects that jobs for registered nurses are more in demand than almost every other profession.

Nurses with bachelor’s degrees are also more likely to get a job right out of college than peers in other fields, according to the American Associate of Colleges of Nursing.

For more information on Kent State’s Online Bachelor of Science in Nursing for Registered Nurses RN-to-BSN, visit

2) Ability to Grow Professionally

At Kent State University, you will always have the opportunity to seek additional education to move up in an organization or change your focus as a nurse.

At Kent State, we offer many 100% online degree programs for the registered nurse, such as:

No matter where you are in your professional journey, the programs at Kent State can help you reach the next milestone.

3) Career Choice

Nursing is a broad field! Explore it and decide where you’d like to focus for your career. Do you want to own your own practice? Do you want to work with children, women, or the elderly? How about traveling the world and saving lives in third-world countries?

As a nurse, you’ll have all of these opportunities and more!

For more information on Kent State’s Online Nursing Programs, visit

1 Retrieved on February 9, 2021, from

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