Kent State’s Online Master of Music in Music Education Ranks No. 1 in the Best Music Education Colleges in Ohio for 2021, Best Student Support Services

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Ranked No. 1 in Ohio in the Best Music Education Colleges by

The Kent State University College of Music’s Online Master of Music in Music Education ranks No. 1 in Ohio in the Best Music Education Colleges by

Established in 1996, is the trusted source used by millions of people to make informed decisions about their education. Find colleges and universities that fit your needs and match your career goals. By providing university rankings, tuition costs, and in-depth information on more than 8,000 colleges and universities, helps students discover the highest return on their investment.

Earned Best Student Support Services for Best Master’s in Music Education Program in 2021 and 2020

The Kent State University College of Music’s Online Master of Music in Music Education earned Best Student Support Services by The program was also rated in the top 39 online music education programs among the 422 programs evaluated.

“It’s an honor to be recognized for our student support services,” said Jennelizabeth Sepúlveda, senior academic advisor for the online program. “I work with an incredible team of faculty and staff to guide students through the application process all the way to graduation. We’re all here to help students succeed, and interacting with them is my highlight every week.”3 helps students in their pre-college journey by ranking colleges and programs across the country using aggregated publicly available data.

All of the programs in the online music education ranking are offered by regionally accredited institutions, confirming that they meet high standards of education. The majority of programs also have accreditation through the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM), a national organization recognizing quality in music-related degree programs. Each program is reviewed based on its outcomes, faculty, flexibility, reputation, and cost, and assigned each program an Intelligent Score on a scale from 0 to 100.’s picks for the best online master’s in music education are flexible, cost-effective, and well-regarded.

Ranked No. 6 in the Top 10 for Best Online Music Degree Programs, Editor’s Choice, by CollegeRank in 2021

The Kent State University College of Music’s Online Master of Music in Music Education ranked No. 6 in the Top 10 for Best Online Music Degree Programs, Editor’s Choice, by CollegeRank.4

CollegeRank’s mission is to rank everything college and dissect every aspect of student life because you never really know what will make a difference once you begin your college journey. Their proven ranking methodology sets them apart as the ranking score is based on the following three aspects: 40% potential salary after graduation, 30% individual program accreditation, and 30% overall affordability.

Ranked No. 10 in the Top 10 for Online Music Education Degree Programs by Early Childhood Education Degrees in 2021

The Kent State University College of Music’s Online Master of Music in Music Education ranked No. 10 in the Top 10 for Online Music Education Degree Programs by Early Childhood Education Degrees.5

Early Childhood Education Degrees strive to keep students up to date on the diverse and evolving field of childhood education. They carefully examine programs and construct lists of the top ten programs in multiple fields, including music education. Lists include program overviews, as well as the unique features particular to a program.

Kent State University’s Online Master of Music in Music Education

The Online Master of Music degree in Music Education is designed to offer music teachers the opportunity to develop and refine their professional skills. The degree program allows for enhancement and specialization relative to music teaching and learning in contemporary school contexts. The program does not provide licensure and is constructed for those who have a music education background and the desire to improve the student and teacher experience in music classroom settings.

Kent State University is synonymous with music education. Some of the leading voices in the field have earned a degree here. Our 100% online program can be completed in as few as 23 months. Our curriculum is created for the music teaching professional. Classes are seven weeks, and you can enroll in two classes per semester, including summer. This format allows you to focus on one area of study and then begin another music education course after a brief recess. We are dedicated to helping you design a program that provides you with exciting new perspectives in your teaching right from the beginning.

The comprehensive Master of Music in Music Education online program helps music teachers develop their professional skills. The program is differentiated from others in that it is practitioner-oriented, and offers elective courses in specialized music teaching areas.

With this degree, you will have the opportunity to focus your course of study on the aspects of music teaching that are most relevant to your career now and in the future. A master’s degree opens up opportunities to teach post-secondary institutions or apply for further doctoral study in music education or related field. This degree in music education may also help you climb the salary scale, and it may qualify you for leadership positions within your school, district, and state.

This program is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music.

For more information on Kent State’s Online Master of Music in Music Education Program, visit

1 Retrieved on July 21, 2021, from

2 Retrieved on July 21, 2021, from

3 Retrieved on July 21, 2021, from

4 Retrieved on July 21, 2021, from

5 Retrieved on July 21, 2021, from

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