professionals in a meeting
College of Arts and Sciences

Public Administration

Course Delivery
100% online
Total Credits
Rolling Admissions
Start any semester
Time to Completion
Graduate in as few as 2 years
*Those without substantive full-time administrative experience in a public service organization (as assessed by the MPA program coordinator) must complete at least three credit hours of an internship in addition to the required 36 credit hours of coursework.

Kent State’s Master of Public Administration (MPA) program prepares students for leadership roles in public and nonprofit sectors. This online program offers a comprehensive curriculum covering public policy, financial management, and organizational leadership, equipping graduates with the knowledge and skills to make a positive impact in civic and community organizations. Ideal for aspiring public service leaders, the MPA program empowers students to drive meaningful change.

Program Overview

The Master of Public Administration degree in Public Administration is designed for students wishing to become policy analysts, managers and executives within public and nonprofit organizations. The curriculum provides students with a broad foundation in public and nonprofit management, including the scope and history of public administration, administrative theory, ethical behavior in public management, public financial management, program evaluation, methods, personnel management and information technology management.

The M.P.A. degree can be completed in two years by taking two courses each term, including summers. Courses are offered in an asynchronous online format in back-to-back seven-week sessions. Courses utilize a mix of web-based instruction supported by audio and video technologies direct to the respective student’s home.

Program Learning Outcomes

Graduates of this program will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate ability to lead and manage in public governance.
  2. Participate in and contribute to the policy process.
  3. Analyze, synthesize, think critically, solve problems and make decisions.
  4. Articulate and apply a public service perspective.
  5. Communicate and interact productively with a diverse and changing workforce and citizenry.

Program Structure

36-39 minimum total credit hours: 18 credits (6) PADM major requirement courses, 0-3 credits of PADM internship, 15 credits (5) major elective courses, 3 credits (1) culminating requirement capstone course

What Can You Do With an Online MPA Degree?

professionals in a meeting

An online MPA from Kent State will help prepare you for a leadership role in organizations focused on serving the public, including:

  • Government (all levels)
  • Nonprofit sector
  • Private sector
  • Military

Top-Ranked Military Friendly® University

We’re proud to be recognized with the Military Friendly® gold designation.

Our ranking reflect our commitment to helping you reach your goals. Kent State has been helping students create their success since 1910, and we launched our first online course almost 20 years ago.

Military Friendly School '22-23 Gold

I have years of experience in the public sector, but I was surprised by how much I still had to learn—things I could not have learned on the job.
Leslie B. MPA ‘19
Sample job titles and average salaries for MPA graduate roles
Non-Profit Executive Director
Public Policy Analyst
County Administrator

Move Your Career Forward With Kent State

Kent State’s online Master of Public Administration (MPA) is one of only a select number of online MPA programs in the United States that is accredited by the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA).

NASPAA accreditation assures employers that your degree meets the standards of the public service education field, helping you move forward in your public leadership career.

A Degree Program That Fits Your Life

Here’s another compelling reason to earn your master’s in public administration online: Our program is designed for busy working professionals who want to gain the knowledge, skills and credibility necessary to advance a career in the public sector.

Using learning techniques that help you apply what you learn in real time, this program positions you for senior management positions in local, state and regional governments, as well as in nonprofit organizations, the military and the private sector.

What is an Online Master of Public Administration?

Kent State’s online MPA will help you develop the advanced expertise required of senior management in nonprofit organizations and local, state and regional governments. Our expertise in online learning is evident in the convenience and relevance of the coursework design.

  • Three start dates: January, May, August
  • No GRE requirement
  • 100% online coursework
  • 36 credits total* (12 three-credit courses)
  • Courses last seven weeks each, with two courses taken sequentially each semester
  • Graduate in as little as two years

The best online MPA programs give students the opportunity to put their learning into practice. The Capstone Seminar that you will take during your final semester allows you to integrate everything you’ve learned in a comprehensive project that reflects current public administration best practices.

*Students without substantive full-time administrative experience in a public service organization (as assessed by the MPA program coordinator) must complete at least three credit hours of an internship in addition to the required 36 credit hours of coursework.

I have an undergraduate degree in social work, but have always been pulled more toward community-level work. The MPA is a perfect fit for this.
Jessica G. MPA ‘19

A Rewarding Career In a Large, Stable Field

Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows that the public service field accounts for about 30% of the jobs in this country, with steady growth for all but the federal sector through 2031.4

Percentages of workers employed in individual sectors within the category are:

  • Educational services, 2.3%4
  • Healthcare and social assistance, 12.7%4
  • Federal government, 1.8%4
  • State and local government, 12.1%4

Job titles are diverse across public service segments and Kent State’s online master of public administration helps you prepare for a personally fulfilling and financially rewarding career in this robust segment of the economy. Nationally and across fields, workers with a master’s earn an average of 18% more than those whose highest degree is a bachelor’s.5

The Private Sector Value of an MPA

There are many ways your online MPA degree is similar to an MBA, and one key difference that sets you apart and adds to your value in the job market. Like an MBA, your coursework will give you skills in leadership, along with knowledge of finance, management and strategic planning. The added value lies in your knowledge of public policy formulation and program management practices. These insights can make all the difference in business success for companies that interface with government agencies, whether it’s in the context of a regulated industry or a government supplier. Read more about employment opportunities for online MPA graduates.

What is public administration?

National, state, and local legislatures pass laws that allocate money for public services or set priorities for public health, safety, and well-being. Public administration professionals are the managers, supervisors, analysts, planners, and other on-the-ground workers tasked with translating these priorities into reality. The academic field of public administration trains students in policy implementation, project and program management, human resources, public finance management, communications, and strategic planning to help them better perform their roles.

What skills do I need to succeed in this program?

Students will need to be strong writers, researchers, and critical thinkers. They will also benefit from an interest in government, politics, and social welfare.

What are the differences between those working in the public and private sectors?

Public sector jobs are more stable and offer excellent benefits; however, public sector employees often earn less than their private sector counterparts and must navigate more bureaucracy. Because of the latter, public sector jobs are also often slower paced: a project may take months or years to complete instead of weeks or months in the private sector.

What is the difference between an MPA and an MBA?

The contrast between an MBA and an MPA is usually framed as that between profit-driven, private-sector employment (MBA) and mission-driven, public-sector employment (MPA). Read more.

Who is the MPA program for?

Mid-career administrative professionals (like project managers or assistant directors) looking to gain the skills and experience to advance their careers, career-changers or recent college graduates who want the experience and credentials to be able to apply for administrative positions, anyone working in the nonprofit sector.

What can I do with a Master’s Degree in Public Administration?

  • Chief executives
  • Legislators
  • Postmasters and mail superintendents
  • Social service administration
  • Project manager
  • Fundraiser
  • Policy Analyst
  • Public health administrator
  • Urban planner
  • Nonprofit manager
  • City/county manager
  • Military administration
  • Healthcare administration

What will I learn in Kent State Online’s Master’s Degree in Public Administration?

Courses include personnel administration, public budgeting and financial management, program evaluation, project management, electronic governance, strategic planning, personal accountability in public service, labor management, nonprofit advocacy, and nonprofit law.

university faculty meeting
Well-Rounded, Expert Faculty
Professors for the Kent State online Master’s in Public Administration are connected, engaged practitioners and researchers with expertise in diverse areas.

Faculty interests and experience include policymaking and policy implementation, political systems and public management, city planning, professional ethics, nonprofit governance and advocacy, quantitative research methods, international business, and public sector IT management.

With their varied interests, experiences and connections, our faculty can help you chart your course to a successful public administration career.

Master of Public Administration Master’s Degree PRogram Tuition and Financial Aid

Ohio ResidentsOut of State
Per Credit Hour$676$686
Approximate Program Cost $24,336$24,696

An additional distance learning fee for all students enrolled in a distance learning course is $15 per credit hour. Program tuition and costs are estimated and subject to change. For a complete listing of tuition rates for approved online programs, please contact Kent State’s Financial, Billing & Enrollment Center at 330-672-6000 or via our website Contact Us link.

We recognize that pursuing a graduate degree is a significant investment. Your Admissions Outreach Advisor can answer your questions on program costs, discuss how a Kent State degree compares to others and connect you with financial aid representatives when you are ready to discuss your financial options.

Please contact an Admissions Outreach Advisor for more information on tuition and fees by email at

Exclusive Opportunity for KSU Undergraduates: The Accelerated MPA Degree Option

Launch your career sooner than you expected to. In Kent State’s public administration program, juniors and seniors with qualifying GPAs can apply up to 12 credit hours of coursework toward the public administration bachelor’s and master’s degrees. By earning double credits, you’ll earn your online MPA earlier than anticipated, save money on tuition and fees, and be prepared to dive into your career ahead of your classmates and ahead of schedule. For more information, please contact an Admissions Outreach Advisor at or call us at 330-672-8671.

Program Courses

Program Requirements

Major Requirements
Course List
Code Title Credit Hours
Major Requirements
Major Electives, choose from the following: 15
Any Public Administration (PADM) Graduate course (50000 or 60000 level)
Other elective courses with advisor approval2
Culminating Requirement
Minimum Total Credit Hours: 36-39

1Students without substantive full-time administrative experience in a public service organization (\"pre-service students\") must complete minimum 3 credit hours of internship; they will earn the M.P.A. degree with a total 39 credit hours. Students with substantive full-time administrative experience in a public service organization (\"in-service students\") may be waived from the internship requirement with the approval of the M.P.A. coordinator. Pre-service students or students wishing to gain experience in a new area will also be placed in an agency for at least 300 hours of experience.

2Elective coursework outside of the program may be selective based upon the student’s needs and advisor approval.

Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements
Graduation Requirements Summary
Minimum Major GPA Minimum Overall GPA
- 3.000
  • No more than one-half of a graduate student’s coursework may be taken in 50000-level courses.
  • Grades below C are not counted toward completion of requirements for the degree.

MPA Internship Requirement

0-3 credits

Students without substantive full-time administrative experience in a public service organization (as assessed by the MPA program coordinator) must complete at least three credit hours of an internship in addition to the required 36 credit hours of coursework.

PADM 60392 Internship in Public Administration

Required of all students without prior full-time administrative experience in public or nonprofit organizations (pre-service students). Formal field placement of 300 hours in government or nonprofit agency setting. Provides opportunity for students to gain professional experience and apply coursework via direct exposure to management and policy processes. Students with substantive full-time administrative experience in a public service organization (in-service students) are waived from this requirement with permission of the MPA Coordinator.

MPA Electives

9 credits

Students without substantive full-time administrative experience in a public service organization (as assessed by the MPA program coordinator) must complete at least three credit hours of an internship in addition to the required 36 credit hours of coursework.

PADM 60200 Nonprofit Advocacy

This course explores the U.S. public policymaking process as it applies to nonprofit organizations. Nonprofits influence policymaking or “advocacy” through a variety of methods, such as lobbying, campaigning, protesting and policy monitoring. The course explores how nonprofit organizations both shape and are shaped by public policy.

PADM 60310 Leadership in the Nonprofit and Public Sector

This course teaches students theory, practice and skills for leading nonprofit and public organizations. Topics include organizational theory and behavior, organizational culture, integrity and ethics, group dynamics, conflict management, and creating an environment that promotes diversity and inclusion.

PADM 60376 Labor Management Relations in the Public Sector

Prerequisite: PADM 60375

This course focuses on issues peculiar to public sector labor relations, including the impact of public employee unionism on traditional merit systems and personnel policy decision processes.

PADM 60382 Seminar in Public Administration

Study of selected problem areas in public service organizations with emphasis on understanding the factors contributing to them, their solution and literature bearing on the problems.

PADM 60387 Electronic Governance

An introduction to electronic governance with an emphasis on public administration. Examines the implications of information and communication technology in public organizations with regard to democracy, civic engagement, and performance improvement. Through case studies from the United States and across the world, students will become familiar with the factors and issues surrounding the implementation of electronic governance on a comparative basis.

PADM 60471 Nonprofit Law

Introduction to legal issues for nonprofit organizations in the United States, including types of IRS tax-exempt status; basic requirements for establishing/operating nonprofit organizations specifically in Ohio.

PADM 60472 Nonprofit Board Executive Relationships

Key aspects of effective nonprofit governance, major roles of nonprofit board members and their responsibilities, and governance structures.

PADM 60477 Nonprofit Financial Resource Development

Successful strategies for fundraising and resource development for nonprofit organizations. Students will be exposed to fundraising in practice and will write a resource development plan.

Master of Public Administration Degree Program Admissions Requirements

For more information about graduate admissions, visit the graduate admission website. For more information on international admissions, visit the international admission website.

  • Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university
  • Minimum 2.750 undergraduate GPA on a 4.000-point scale1
  • Official transcript(s)
  • Goal statement
  • Current résumé
  • Writing sample (single-authored paper or manuscript completed in undergraduate or graduate school that exemplifies the applicant’s critical thinking skills)
  • Three letters of recommendation from faculty or individuals familiar with the applicant’s ability to do graduate-level work
  • English language proficiency - all international students must provide proof of English language proficiency (unless they meet specific exceptions to waive) by earning one of the following:2
    • Minimum 79 TOEFL iBT score
    • Minimum 6.5 IELTS score
    • Minimum 58 PTE score
    • Minimum 110 DET score

1In some cases, applicants with a GPA below 2.750 may be admitted to the program conditionally provided other supporting materials are strong.

2International applicants who do not meet the above test scores may be considered for conditional admission.

Important Dates

Application Deadline
Spring 2024 Term
First Day of Classes
Spring 2024 Term
Application Deadline
Summer 2024 Term

Application FAQs

Create an account in the online application system to save your work and track the progress of materials submitted via the application system.

I am a U.S. citizen. Where should I send my application materials?

If you are a U.S. citizen or permanent U.S. resident, all required application materials should be sent to the Division of Graduate Studies at or by mail to:

Division of Graduate Studies
Kent State University
Cartwright Hall
P.O. Box 5190
Kent, OH 44242

Please be sure to include your full name and Kent State ID (9-digit number starting with 8) on all submitted documents. For questions, contact Graduate Admissions at +1 330-672-2661 or

I am not a U.S. citizen. Where should I send my application materials?

If you are not a U.S. citizen or permanent U.S. resident, all required documents should be submitted to the Office of Global Education at or by mail to:

Office of Global Education
Kent State University
106 Van Campen Hall
625 Loop Rd.
Kent, OH 44242

For questions, contact International Admissions at +1 330-672-7970 or

The online MPA program application process is simple and we’re here to guide you through it.

Our Admissions Outreach Advisors are available to answer your questions regarding admissions requirements for the program. If you have questions, please email us at or call us at 330-672-8671.


Courses are delivered through Canvas, our course management system. Course content consists of text, narrated PowerPoint presentations, video and audio, live chats, discussion groups, and other learning enhancements. To participate in this online program, you will need a computer and broadband internet connection. Your program may have further requirements that include the ability to record video and audio. If you have questions regarding technology requirements for the program, please contact your Admissions Outreach Advisor at or call us at 330-672-8671.


Chief executives
  • -10.0% decline
  • 287,900 number of jobs
  • $185,950 potential earnings
General and operations managers
  • 5.8% faster than the average
  • 2,486,400 number of jobs
  • $103,650 potential earnings
  • 6.2% faster than the average
  • 53,700 number of jobs
  • $33,200 potential earnings
Postmasters and mail superintendents
  • -21.9% decline
  • 13,400 number of jobs
  • $78,060 potential earnings
Social and community service managers
  • 17.0% much faster than the average
  • 175,500 number of jobs
  • $69,600 potential earnings
Transportation, storage, and distribution managers
  • 3.5% about as fast as the average
  • 139,400 number of jobs
  • $96,390 potential earnings

Notice: Career Information Source

* Source of occupation titles and labor data comes from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook. Data comprises projected percent change in employment over the next 10 years; nation-wide employment numbers; and the yearly median wage at which half of the workers in the occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less.

Other Programs You Might Like
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The Leadership and Management graduate certificate prepares participants to serve as responsible leaders in the public, private and, nonprofit organizations. Because the need for leadership and management competence is ubiquitous across all organizations, this certificate program welcomes participants from all fields and undergraduate degree backgrounds.

Related Reading from the Kent State Online Blog

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There are many reasons to choose to pursue a career in the public sector rather than in the business world. Often, people are drawn to public or nonprofit careers because doing so gives them an opportunity to do good and enact change for the better.
Pursuing a graduate degree usually means a big payoff for your future but it can feel counterintuitive to take off a whole year or two from your career. That’s where part-time degree programs come in. Earning your degree as a part-time student means you can continue to work while you gain relevant skills to move your public sector career forward. But there’s more to it than just avoiding a break in your resume.
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