Crime By The Numbers

If you’ve looked into a career in criminology and criminal justice, you’ve likely noticed how different types of crime can feed into hiring trends across the industry. In our infographic below, you can view 10 fast facts that help fuel the growing career opportunities in the field.

Crime By The Numbers infographic

With such diverse crimes seemingly on the rise, the field of criminology and criminal justice needs the help of well-educated and well-trained professionals. Are you ready to step up and help?


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In today’s data-driven world, organizations across industries—including education—rely on program evaluators to assess the effectiveness of their initiatives and make informed decisions for improvement. Whether in schools, universities, nonprofits, or corporate training programs, program evaluators play a crucial role in ensuring resources are utilized effectively to achieve desired outcomes. The 100% online Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Research, Measurement, and Statistics at Kent State University equips students with the analytical skills and knowledge needed to excel in this impactful career.
Dr. Tricia Niesz’s journey in education began with aspirations of becoming an elementary school teacher. However, her fascination with the intersection of culture, society, equity, and justice led her to pursue a deeper exploration of these themes. Now a faculty member in Kent State University’s Cultural Foundations Master of Education Online Master’s Degree program, Dr. Niesz shares insights into this unique academic path and its impact on students and communities.
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