Exploring Career Transitions in Music Education: Dr. Jay Dorfman Presents at NAfME Conference

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Dr. Jay Dorfman, professor and coordinator of Music Education at Kent State University, recently shared his insights at the 2024 NAfME Biennial Music Research and Teacher Education Conference, shedding light on the complex career transitions that music teacher educators (MTEs) experience. His presentation explored the phases and decisions that MTEs face, particularly in the middle and late stages of their careers, using the Push-Pull-Moor (PPM) Model as a framework.

2024 NAfME Biennial Music Research and Teacher Education Conference

Dr. Dorfman and his colleagues, Dr. Nathan Kruse of Case Western Reserve University and Dr. Linda Thornton of Penn State University, addressed the often-overlooked challenges and opportunities that come with balancing teaching, service, research, and potential administrative roles within a university structure. These career transitions, whether positive (pull factors) or negative (push factors), can have profound impacts on the professional paths of MTEs. Dr. Dorfman reflected on how motivations, social connections, and the unique demands of the music education field influence whether educators maintain traditional faculty roles or pursue administrative appointments.

Through this lens, Dr. Dorfman’s work highlights the ongoing need for further research into the unique characteristics of music teacher educators and the influences shaping their career decisions. His dedication to advancing the field of music education through both academic research and teaching underscores the importance of understanding these career dynamics.

“So much of the research and thinking we do in music education is about how students learn,” said Dr. Dorfman. “That is, of course, very important, but we seem to neglect the fact that teaching music is a dynamic profession that requires us to make changes throughout our careers.”

As Dr. Dorfman explains, “I gave this presentation as part of the programming of the Society for Music Teacher Education, a part of NAfME that I’ve been involved in for a long time. It provided me an opportunity to look within at my own decisions, and hear about career paths of some respected colleagues. We have plans to expand this research in the coming year beyond the snapshot we were able to discuss at the presentation to a broader view of MTEs’ career choices.”

For those inspired by Dr. Dorfman’s work and looking to deepen their expertise in music education, Kent State University offers an Online Master of Music in Music Education program. This flexible, high-quality degree prepares educators to take on leadership roles, advance their teaching practice, and contribute meaningfully to the future of music education. Whether you are early in your career or navigating the complexities of a mid or late-career transition, Kent State’s program is designed to support your professional growth and success.

Why Music Education at Kent State University?

Kent State University provides:

  • 100% online courses. Kent State Online has its own course and instructional design team, so all content is created by faculty and designed for the online platform.
  • Outstanding faculty. Learn from some of the country’s finest music teacher educators in all areas of specialty. Many of our faculty have published multiple research articles, textbooks, book chapters, and journal articles.
  • Personal attention. We are dedicated to helping you succeed in your academics! You will have a professional Academic Advisor throughout your collegiate experience and be assigned a Faculty Advisor when you enroll in Capstone.
  • Opportunity to complete an elective in a shortened amount of time! During the summer, students can choose to take a shortened, 3-credit hour elective focusing on unique music methods.
  • Affordability. The program costs only $655 per credit hour.
  • Proudly Accredited. We are accredited through NASM, the National Association of Schools of Music. Kent State University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation.
  • Rolling admissions. You can enroll in classes every seven weeks, fall, spring, and summer. Please refer to our admission page for application deadlines.

Kent State University Online Master of Music in Music Education

The Online Master of Music degree in Music Education allows music teachers to develop and refine their professional skills. The program is differentiated from others in that it is practitioner-oriented and offers elective courses in specialized music teaching areas.

With this degree, you will have the opportunity to focus your course of study on the aspects of music teaching that are most relevant to your career now and in the future. A master’s degree opens opportunities to teach in post-secondary institutions or apply for further doctoral study in music education or related fields. This degree in music education may also help you climb the salary scale and qualify you for leadership positions within your school, district, and state.

Explore more about Dr. Dorfman’s contributions and how you can enhance your career with Kent State Online’s Master of Music in Music Education at https://onlinedegrees.kent.edu/degrees/master-of-music-in-music-education.

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