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In today’s rapidly evolving educational and social landscapes, research is not just about studying communities—it’s about engaging with them meaningfully. The Approaches to Community-Engaged Inquiry course, part of Kent State University’s 100% online Master of Education in Cultural Foundations program, is designed to equip students with the tools and methodologies to conduct collaborative research that is both impactful and ethical.
Dr. Tricia Niesz’s journey in education began with aspirations of becoming an elementary school teacher. However, her fascination with the intersection of culture, society, equity, and justice led her to pursue a deeper exploration of these themes. Now a faculty member in Kent State University’s Cultural Foundations Master of Education Online Master’s Degree program, Dr. Niesz shares insights into this unique academic path and its impact on students and communities.
The field of cultural foundations of education conceptualizes education as a broad and complex undertaking that is best understood through a range of disciplines and fields of study.
Dr. Astrid N. Sambolín Morales is an Assistant Professor in Kent State Online’s 100% Online Master of Education degree in Cultural Foundations. She received her PhD in Educational Equity and Cultural Diversity from the University of Colorado Boulder and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania. Her research provides a more nuanced picture of the agency, resistance, and empowerment enacted by displaced Puerto Rican m(others) in the U.S., and her work was funded by several grants, including the University of Colorado Natural Hazards Center, the BUENO Center for Multicultural Education, the URBAN Research Network, and the NAEd Spencer Foundation.
The 100% online Doctor of Education degree in Interprofessional Leadership at Kent State University allows for the study of leadership from an interprofessional perspective that is framed around questions of equity, ethics, and social justice to bring about solutions to complex problems of practice.
Education is not only about learning skills and information. Education—whether formal schooling or learning through life experience—is deeply embedded in every society. Education plays a number of roles in society as well. Examining the relationships between varied kinds of education and society is what you will be asked to do when studying cultural foundations of education.
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